The Beaches that Inspired a Comic.

Living on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada has many perks, most of which involve the outdoors. As a kid, I spent my summers at The Alders Beach Resort, Long Beach in Tofino and Tribune Bay on Hornby Island. I have so many great memories of all of them and the times spent there with friends and family.

So when I decided to create this comic, I knew that the setting was going to be a mix of all my favourite island beaches and this West Coast lifestyle that I love so much.

The Beach is a mysterious and magical place. Created in Mac's mind while his body is stuck in a coma, cobbled together from fractured memories of the 'real' beach he lived on before the accident.

He has his own private Beach House and four friends who also live on various parts of The Beach to keep him company. Here seasons change, weather happens and antics ensue.

I hope that my love of this beautiful place comes through the art and you enjoy it as much as I do. :o)